Snickerdoodle Baked Oats

Take your oats to the next level by popping them in the oven for about 20 minutes. You could make whatever flavour you want, but peanut butter and chocolate is always a winner…


You’ll need a small casserole dish/ramekin like one of these to bake it in. No need to put the lid on though.

30g oats
1/2 a banana, mashed
2 Tbsp powdered peanut butter (I use PB2)
75ml unsweetened Almond milk
1 Tbsp sugar free chocolate syrup (I use Hershey’s as its awesome)
1 egg white
Sweetener to taste

1. Mix well in a bowl and then add it all together in your mini casserole dish. I like to leave mine to soak overnight, but if your short on time just bung it in the oven for 20 mins at 160C (fan).

2. The mix should rise, but not overflow.

3. Top with a chopped up protein bar, Snickers protein works best of course! Drizzle with a little Hershey’s sugar free syrup and zero calories Caramel sauce


Macros: 240kcal, 41C, 12P, 4F (without the topping)


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